May 26, 2023
In honor of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, we are showcasing one of our strongest district relationships, one that began over 25 years ago. Jennifer Thong is t...

May 19, 2023
Thanks to the far-reaching success of our 2020 Bond , which primarily consists of capital projects, we are able to provide regular construction updates on all of the wonderful new...

April 28, 2023
Before Earth Month ends, we’d like to highlight the sustainability efforts in our most expensive Bond-funded project to date, our new and improved comprehensive Montbello High Sc...

April 21, 2023
Below is an interview with Celeste Cizik , the President and CEO of Group14, on the results of our Financial Impact Assessment, initiated by DPS’ Director of Sustainability L...

April 14, 2023
6th Graders are receiving a STEAM education through Denver Public Schools! As part of the 2020 bond, Bryant-Webster Elementary School, a Dual Language ECE-8 school located in...

March 17, 2023
Robin Myers is the Facility Records Manager on the Facility Information Systems Team / Facility Records within Denver Public Schools' Planning, Design, and Construction Departmen...