Your Voice-Tu Voz, complete the student survey March 4th through 15th

The DPS “Your Voice/Tu Voz” Student Survey opens Monday, March 4 and will close Friday, March 15. Students in third- through 12th-grade will receive an email from Superintendent Dr. Alex Marrero with a unique link to complete the survey.

Students will have the opportunity to take the survey in class on a date designated by their school, however, we encourage families to check in with their children to ensure they completed the survey. Preview the questions and review the FAQ. If you have questions, email

Responses to the survey inform decisions on how we can better serve our students, and we want to hear from as many students as possible!

Unlike previous years, DPS now administers the survey to families once in the fall and to students once in the spring. Click here to see last year’s survey results.